A Letter to Future Generations: Chapter 7

The pandemic is ongoing. People are refusing to wear masks in order to prevent droplet dispersion because they think the disease is a hoax. That the masks are a form of governmental control. That it infringes on their freedom. That they can’t breathe while wearing them. Doctors have said in response, “If you can’t breathe from that, you definitely don’t want COVID.” They don’t listen.

A 30 year old died after going to a COVID party – like a chickenpox party, but for a potentially deadly disease – in an attempt at ‘herd immunity’. It didn’t work, obviously. The medical staff around him said that, as he died, he said, “I think I’ve made a big mistake. I didn’t think it was real, but it is.”


Everything feels like too much. It feels like it’s endless. Fires, droughts, ash, disease, death of democracy, death, death, death. Australia is relatively untouched, until it wasn’t. Big cluster in Victoria – somehow – with almost 200 cases each day. New bubble in NSW after a bunch of morons went to a pub.

It all feels a bit pointless.

A la prochaine, peut-etre.

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